Pearl Paint
List Price:
1.27$ (40.00%)
FEATURES: Specific acrylic with original pearl pigments that reflect light with much greater efficiency than metallic paints - creates a strong, colorful film depending on the color of the pearls with perfect gloss. 100% color saturation. Effective reflection of incident light. NO VARNISH IS NEEDED ON IT! Very high degree of wear resistance, can be washed repeatedly without restriction. All colors can be mixed arbitrarily to obtain shades. It can be diluted with water to obtain a transparent pearl effect.
METHOD OF APPLICATION: with brush, roller, swab, etc.
STORAGE: In tightly closed packages over 00 C. Protect from freezing!
SAFETY: The product is water-based and environmentally friendly. It does not emit any harmful substances during operation and operation. The tools are cleaned with water.
FEATURES: Specific acrylic with original pearl pigments that reflect light with much greater efficiency than metallic paints - creates a strong, colorful film depending on the color of the pearls with perfect gloss. 100% color saturation. Effective reflection of incident light. NO VARNISH IS NEEDED ON IT! Very high degree of wear resistance, can be washed repeatedly without restriction. All colors can be mixed arbitrarily to obtain shades. It can be diluted with water to obtain a transparent pearl effect.
METHOD OF APPLICATION: with brush, roller, swab, etc.
STORAGE: In tightly closed packages over 00 C. Protect from freezing!
SAFETY: The product is water-based and environmentally friendly. It does not emit any harmful substances during operation and operation. The tools are cleaned with water.